Sunday, June 14, 2009

Simple Joy Sunday

I've let my Simply Joy Sunday posts fall by the wayside lately: I went through a few weeks of an insane work schedule and an extended visit from mom.

I already touched on a few amazing things things that have been going on with Athena's Armoury (Etsy shop & Artfire shop) this week with this post and have been having a great time working on promoting the Etsy Yart Sale (today's daily special is announced here on the blog and in my shop announcement).

Speaking of the Yart Sale, the blog post scheduler that blogger offers has made me so incredibly happy this week! It helped me get my Yart Sale Daily Special announcements organized at the beginning of the week so I could focus on other stuff for the daily promotion of the sale.

I was also overjoyed this week when I realized that Scott & I will be able to afford to go on vacation even if only for a long weekend after all! Not only that, but Scott's also looking into getting us some bikes. We had talked about getting them before and our trip will be a fun opportunity to tool around town with them. By the way, who knew that bike shopping was so complicated?

The previously mentioned work insanity and visit from mom also put my workout schedule on hold. I started working out again this week for the first time in about three weeks. Yeah, it was painful to start up again, but I'm feeling strong and so much better about myself already! I'm glad to be back: I still have some work to do before I feel like I'm simply maintaining the work I've done. I'm getting there!

Monday, I was bored to tears at work. It was a bad day. It was one of those days that I go out of my mind and am fairly depressed by the time I leave. But Athena's Armoury, researching vacation options, reading blogs, and keeping in touch with friends kept me so busy on Tuesday and Wednesday that the days just flew by. That makes me incredibly happy.

I spent a glorious day off on Thursday (16 hour work day on Friday made up for it!) where I got to play with my pliers and make a new maille necklace and lounge by the pool reading my book. On a side note, I tweaked my bad wrist yet again so I should probably get back to the doctor and have him help me sort it out.

Friday night at work allowed me to work on another maille necklace! Two done in as many days: that's not bad considering how slowly I've been completing stuff lately. I'm hoping to take some pictures and have them listed with a blog post this week.

As always, check out more Simple Joy Sundays over at Cool Zebras.


Heather said...

I wondered what the YART stuff was! I guess I should have participated. Oh well.

I'm sorry I didn't do a Simply Joy this week. It will likely return next week though! Thanks for writing a post though.

Athena's Armoury said...

It figures, I finally remember to write a Simple Joy post and the ringleader doesn't! =)

By the way, I think the Yart Sale is turning into an annual thing so you can probably get in on it next year.