I've continued working out and even though there are other things that I'd like to be doing, I'm making getting in shape take priority. Yeah, I'd probably rather be playing with my pliers and making chain maille and haven't figured out how to have enough time in the day to do both yet but getting healthy is more important to me right now (blasphemy!). This week, I was thrilled when I started to see my hard work starting to pay off. I stepped on the scale and saw that I had lost 8 lbs over the course of the last month. A look in the mirror and I saw that I'm starting to tone up. Scott has even noticed more muscletone. All of that is thrilling to me, but even more so is that I feel stronger and more energetic than ever. No, I don't always feel like working out, but I'm loving the results and hopefully that will be incentive enough to keep me at it.
The beginning of April signified the end of my self-imposed mailling break and although I haven't picked up my pliers yet, I have started coiling some wire for a couple of necklace projects that I have in mind. Yes, my wrist gets a little sore after only a short amount of time coiling, but it's more of a not having used that muscle in a while sore than a hurt sore. Fingers crossed that it's better! Plus, I'm so excited to be working again.
One of my mailling buddies is being super generous and sending me some magic juice to try on my bright aluminum rings. The kindness and generosity of the mailling community never ceases to amaze me.
As I've been sitting here writing this post, Scott came into my work room and took some measurements on my wire winder and walked away. Then he was back with a dowel and his drill. He totally just made me a handle for my winder to make it easier on my hands and wrists! Such a sweetie he is and he gave me another simple joy for this week!
Check out more Simple Joys over at Cool Zebras.
Wow 8 lbs is awesome! Congrats!
what a nice way to wrap up a week, and enter a new one- counting your wee blessings. good on ya.
Thanks, Heather!
Julie, I totally jumped on the band wagon to do this series of posts after having read it on MrsDragon's blog (who in turn got the idea from CoolZebras). I don't know about anyone else out there, but I can get so wrapped up in life. I think it's important not to lose sight of the little things.
curious... how do you make your own cleaning products?
Connie, I'm going to reply to you over at your own blog, but if anyone else is interested. . . I started just finding cleaning product recipes at random websites that I found surfing before my friend Cat (over at the Green Cat blog) introduced me to a book called Better Basics for the Home. It's got tons of recipes for cleaning products, personal care products, even paint and crafty things. It's really an amazing book.
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