Sunday, January 3, 2010

Simple Joy Sunday

Finding the simple joys each week...

I've been having a rough time of it with work again lately. It's getting as bad as it was over the summer. Scott's been such a sweetie and has been so supportive. I came home from work one day to find that he did all of the laundry, the dishes, cleaned the oven, changed out the litter box, even made dinner and food for me to take to work the next day. He had to go to work that night, but his intent was for me to be able to just come home and relax. I was still pretty stressed that night, but it was such a relief to be able to come home and not have to do anything.

Another day, we went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie (a lot fun, by the way; check it out!) and then grabbed some dinner. Afterward, Scott had to go to work but I stayed home and continued to have an absolutely enjoyable evening. I played Wii Sports (for the first time in ages and got very sore!), made a new tea infusion, read some of my book, took a nice hot bath, and then crashed on the couch with the kitty and watched some Witchblade. It was such a great, recuperative day. And a much needed one at that!

If there's any truth to the tradition that you spend the first day of the new year doing what you want to be doing for the rest of the year, I'm in good shape. I spent New Year's Day with Scott, playing with my herbs, making some chain maille, and doing yoga. Overall, a very good day.

Despite work stress really starting to get to me, or maybe because of it, I managed to shake it off and not let it get to me when I was doing the things I love. That's a huge step from over the summer when it was with me constantly. And for that, I am grateful.

As always, check out more Simple Joy Sundays over at Cool Zebras. What were some of your joys this week?

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hmmm. I can't remember what I did on the first day of the new year.