Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Desperately in Need of a New Home

Aloe & Pups


Carapace said...

Aw! Why is that beautiful creature in need of a home?!? Wish I lived nearby enough to take it off your hands. It's gorgeous! I love aloe!

Athena's Armoury said...

Oh no, Cara!!! I just mean that it needs to get repotted or get into the ground. The original plant is the huge one in there & it has spawned all of those little pups. It has very much outgrown that little pot. We're getting our raised bed garden soon, though, so it shouldn't have to wait *too* much longer for it's new home.

Kristin Aquariann said...

Neat plant!! Can't wait to see photos of your raised bed garden. :D

Athena's Armoury said...

Thanks, Kristin! It's an aloe plant. Very, very healing to the skin. You literally just break off a leaf and use the gel from it for dry skin or irritations.

Shannon said...

Beautiful aloe! I love aloe, and when I was going through all my teenage acne years, I would slather it all over! It is very good for acne!

Athena's Armoury said...

It's it an amazing plant, Gypsy? I love my aloe. I'm going to have to remember that about the acne.